New Build, Denby Dale, Huddersfield
New Build project works started in October 2019, work continued throughout the winter months; excavation, ground works complete with a new permanent drainage system to keep the old quarry site well drained.
Then in Spring 2020, like so many other businesses, we found ourselves in a crazy situation where the goal posts changed very quickly. We could no longer continue business as usual but as a family business we were able to react quickly.
The down time enabled us to put new measures in place to reduce the impact of the situation on our team and client projects. We looked at measures and systems to help future proof the business through effective and streamlined ways of working. So, we introduced new ways of working and found new technologies to help reduce friction points, to enable us to work safely and to guidelines.
Our new ways of working in place, thanks to the great help of our suppliers and the collaborative approach of our timber frame manufacturers, who worked in production to deliver the products, we were able to resume work on the project.
It was not business as usual for a few months, however; a local project, family members living and working together was a key benefit.
The nature of this project enabled us to stick to the rules; social distancing and in a rural location, comprising approx. 1.10 acres, enabled a small team to crack on with work locally at Denby Dale;
- Steel Structure Erected
- Timber Frame Works
- Drystone Walling
- Cedar Cladding
Work is progressing on time and to budget, we will share final images once complete – watch this space.
We have been working with our new systems for a couple of months, now rolled out across the business, not only have they helped to improve morale they have also helped our productivity!
Here at Walker Group we will continue to invest in our people and business to ensure we.
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