Stress Awareness

There is no getting away from the stresses and anxiety we’ve all been feeling this past year.

We all found ourselves in a crazy situation where the goal posts changed, and things became out of our control very quickly.

It was not and has not been business as usual, but we know we are amongst some of the fortunate businesses during this pandemic. It has been devastating, emotional and horrific times for many, we are mindful of that.

We had to make some difficult decisions pretty early on, but we have been able to retain most of our staff, we are still in business and whilst it has been stressful we are very grateful for what the team has achieved.

As a family business we were able to react quickly, people were going through their own stresses trying to navigate through the situation. Changes and more uncertainty would only add to the stress people were feeling in their lives.

So, when the “Stay at Home” announcement was made Chris Walker started introducing new processes and channels of communication to try to alleviate some of the anxiety amongst the team and for our clients.

The lockdown gave Chris time to; introduce new systems, tools, move people into new positions, collaborate with our suppliers and bring in new resources to help try to reduce friction points for us all.

Ensuring the safety of our team and clients was our priority, whilst trying to fulfil necessary works and keep sites open.

Thanks to the new ways of working in place and with the support of our team, clients, suppliers, and the collaborative of our manufacturers we were able to work:

  • Smaller Site Teams
  • Direct to Site Travel
  • Deliveries Direct to Site
  • Smarter Use of Technology
  • Improved Communication
  • Emergency Toolbox Briefing

We’re far from stress free, things don’t always go the way you plan but we are doing all we can to ensure the smooth running of the business and projects for our team and clients.

In other news:

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projects here.

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